【Call for Papers】《2023 The Challenges of Interpreting and Teaching “the Second Culture” in Local Contexts》College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University

Interpreting in foreign language learning is a skill allowing to render intelligible at once the ordinary reality of target speakers, and the collective experience of the source community.


At the same time, the localization of cultural translation can help us take a look at our land, Taiwan, again. It also makes us easier to pay more attention to the surrounding phenomena than we were in the past and carefully observe the variety of people, places, and things in Taiwan. In the past, there were many things that we did not pay much attention to, such as one’s mother tongue, i.e., activities that could be done without a second thought, making us more observant and attentive to the differences between the present and the past.


Furthermore, by comparing to translations, we could discover the local characteristics of Taiwan. Many things we find natural, or details that we are used to in our daily lives, can be shown through translation comparison, hitting us fast and hard that these are not natural in foreign countries. Not only does it highlight Taiwan’s local values, but it also teaches students what our culture is and what our values are at teaching sites, thus cultivating their tolerance for foreign cultures.


Consequently, Center for Translation and Cross-cultural Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University believes that the issue of “second culture” should be explored in greater depth and has decided to hold a conference to discuss the following seven main topics.

1.Foreign Translation of Taiwanese Culture

2.Multicultural Teaching

3.Multilingual Education and Bilingual Policy

4.Issues from Translate Teaching Fields

5.Research and Prospects of Machine Translation

6.Language and Cultural Identity

7.Language Education Policies for New Residents


Venue: No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei 116, Taiwan (R.O.C) (tentative)

Time: 4 November 2023 (Saturday)

Language: Chinese and other foreign languages

Presentation: 20 minutes for each presenter, and 10 minutes for Q&A


Submission: No later than 10 February 2023 (Friday), please submit your title and abstract (500-600 words in Word file, including 5 keywords or less; if presented in foreign languages, yet submitting abstract in English version at the same time), attached with your curriculum vitae to trancfcs@nccu.edu.tw. Not accepted if documents are incomplete or overdue.


For more details, please find the attachment.


Address: Conference Preparation Committee, Center for Translation and Cross-cultural Studies, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chengchi University. No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei 116, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Phone: +886-2-2939-3091#62743

Fax: +886-2-2938-0459


Contact: Mr. Lin, Ms. Ho



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