Full-time faculty position available in the ALLS Department at Chung Yuan Christian University

The Department of Applied Linguistics & Language Studies at Chung Yuan Christian University invites applications for one full-time faculty position.

  • Qualifications:

Applicants should hold a master’s degree (only for English native speakers) or a doctoral degree in Translation/Interpretation, Linguistics, English Literature, ESP, TESOL, or a related field.

  • How to apply:

Please submit your application along with the following items by October 15th, 2021.

1. Two reference letters

2. Curriculum vitae

3. Official transcripts and photocopies of diplomas (verified)

4. E-copies of thesis and scholarly publications

5. Syllabi of courses to be offered

6. Other supporting materials

Selected candidates will be invited to conduct a teaching demonstration or an academic speech for further evaluation. The job position may begin with a contract-based appointment for a maximum of two years.

  • Mailing address:

Miss Nikki Su

Department of Applied Linguistics & Language Studies

Chung Yuan Christian University

200, Zhongbei Rd., Zhongli District

Taoyuan City, 320314


  • Application deadline:

October 15th, 2021

  • Contact:

Miss Nikki Su

Tel: +886-3-265-6601

E-mail: alls@cycu.edu.tw

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