【Call for Paper】《Hwa Kang English Journal vol.26 》Department of English Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University

Hwa Kang English Journal is a fully refereed scholarly journal, published by the Department of English Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University. Founded in 1995, it was originally titled Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature. With Volume 19, HKEJ has resumed an annual publication schedule. Committed to promoting rigorous research and intellectual dialogue, the journal features articles that cover a wide range of scholarly concerns.


Submission Deadline: February 28, 2021

For other information regarding submissions, please refer to the attached.


Queries may be sent to the address below or by email (eng_jour@pccu.edu.tw).


Editorial Board, Hwa Kang English Journal

Department of English Language & Literature, Chinese Culture University

55 Hwa Kang Rd, Yangmingshan Taipei 11114, Taiwan


Or call 秦于舒助教 at 886-2-28610511 ext. 23805



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