


The 25th International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics

  • 研討會會議主題: 英語教學的新興趨勢:AI輔助教學、英語授課、多語制、多元識讀
    等。Emerging Trends in EFL English Education: AI-assisted Teaching, EMI, Multilingualism, Multiliteracies, etc.

AI 輔助教學 (AI-Assisted Teaching)
英語授課(English as a Medium of Instruction, EMI)
多語制 (Multilingualism)
多元識讀 (Multiliteracies)
雙語教育(Bilingual Education)
學科內容與語言整合學習(Content and Language Integrated Learning, CLIL)

英語沉浸式課程 (English Immersion Programme, EIP)
高等教育國際化 (Internationalization of Higher Education)
跨文化溝通能力與其發展 (Intercultural Communication Competence and Its Development)
英語為全球通用語及跨文化溝通 (English as Lingua Franca and Intercultural Communication)
海外遊學語言習得及多語言認同 (Study Abroad, Language Acquisition and Multilingual Identity)
促進英語教師專業成長 (Enhancing professional development of English teachers)
科技及 AI 對翻譯的影響 (The Influence of Technology and AI on Translation)
第二語言革新教學:教學策略、政策與挑戰 (Innovation in L2 Teaching: Strategies, Policies, and
電腦科技在語言教育的應用與成效 (Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Implementation and
其他 (Other themes related to language studies, culture, and literature)




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