12/13【國立臺灣科技大學應用外語系 線上專題講座:N-Vivo 質性數據分析軟體】歡迎有興趣的同學踴躍報名參加!

NTUST AFL 臺科大應外系 專題講座(線上)

講座時間:12/13(Mon.)12:20 – 13:10


報名連結 Registration Form:https://forms.gle/xcytWh3SuNPycSG69

The invited talk will be held online using WebEx.

Submit the form to stay tuned.


【講者介紹 Invited Speaker】

Dr. Effie Wang|Assistant Professor

國立臺北大學 National Taipei University, Taiwan

【演講主題 Title】

N-Vivo 質性數據分析軟體

N-Vivo Qualitative Data Analysis Software

【注意須知 Notice】


教授將於 Q&A 段落回覆問題。

Please keep your microphone off during the talk.

Feel free to use the chat function to ask questions.

The speaker will answer your questions during the Q&A session.



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