會議主題Conference Theme
Exploring English Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: Reflection and Prospect
Plenary Speakers
James P. Lantolf, Greer Professor Emeritus in Language Acquisition &Applied Linguistics, Emeritus
The Pennsylvania State University
Distinguished Professor, Beijing Language and Culture University
Topic: Why Is There No Unified Theory of Second Language Acquisition? Some Speculations
Ernesto Macaro, Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics and a Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, University of Oxford, UK
Topic: Important Questions That English Medium Instruction Research Needs to Answer
Ingrid Piller, Distinguished Professor, Linguistic Department, Macquarie University, Australia
Topic: Linguistic and Epistemic Justice in Applied Linguistics
Ru Su (蘇怡如), Professor, Department of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Tsing Hua University
Topic: Multi-competence Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition
Wu-Chang Chang (張武昌), Adjunct Professor, National Taiwan Normal University and Ming Chuan University
Topic: “Bilingual Education” for Taiwanese Primary School Students: For Better or For Worse?
One-Soon Her (何萬順), Chair Professor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University
Topic: A Stairway to Heaven? Social Attitudes and English Language Policies in Taiwan
Rae Lan(藍蕾), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, National Taipei University
Topic: Incorporating Thought Question Activity as a Strategy for Collaborative, Experiential and Autonomous Learning
Wenli Tsou(鄒文莉),Director &Professor, Foreign Languages & Literature Department, National Cheng Kung University
Yi-ping Huang(黃怡萍), Associate Professor, Department of English, National Chengchi University
Lu-Chun Lin(林律君), Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of TESOL & Language Teaching and Research Center, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Topic: The ESP teachers’ role in EMI Professional development
Hao Jan Chen(陳浩然), Distinguished Professor, Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University
Theme: Technologies and Language Learning
Colloquium members and topics: TBA
Papers will be considered for review and published by the Journal of Applied English.
Important dates
Abstract due: December 1st, 2022 (abstract of no more than 300 words plus CV via email: mcuaeic@gmail.com)
Acceptance notification: December 13th, 2022【If abstracts are accepted】
Full paper deadline: January 10th, 2023 (10 pages maximum, single-spaced)
Acceptance notification: February 1st, 2023